Domain Registration

Information of .VERSICHERUNG domain registration

Domain registration for 1 year
Extending of the Domain with 1 year
Fee for changing the domain owner


.VERSICHERUNG is top-level domain. It is intended to serve the insurance community in the countries Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. The .VERSICHERUNG domain and its domains names shall support suppliers with memorable domain names and facilitate consumers to intuitively find insurance information on the Internet and shall contribute to more quality, reliability and consumer trust in insurance topics on the Internet.

Who can apply for the registration of .VERSICHERUNG domain names?

The registration of .VERSICHERUNG domains is restricted to eligible insurance community members. These members are registered insurance companies, registered insurance agents and intermediaries as well as governmental agencies of the insurance community.

Any specific requirements?

According to the .VERSICHERUNG registration policies, the following entities can register a second-level domain name under .VERSICHERUNG. The entity must be based in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein or Switzerland:
-Governmental organizations regulating the insurance industry – Organizations and individuals (sole proprietors) that are recognized and registered members of the insurance industry community.
-Primary insurers, reinsurers and social insurers with an authorization within the legal framework for the insurance industry in the respective countries.
-Insurance agents and intermediaries with an authorization within the legal framework for the insurance industry in the respective countries.
-At an official public register registered associations and educational institutions of the insurance industry.

The eligibility will be determined by a validation of the registrant of a .VERSICHERUNG domain name. It will be checked in the official and public registers of insurance intermediaries if the registrant is a member of the insurance community.

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