Domain Registration

Information of .SOCIAL domain registration

Domain registration for 1 year
Extending of the Domain with 1 year
Fee for changing the domain owner


.SOCIAL is generic top-level domain and is perfect for events, social networking and advice blogs. You can use it to brand your email address .SOCIAL web address as a personalized email address that emphasizes your brand or name. You can use it to redirect to a social page and to help people find you with a memorable, relevant web address that redirects to Facebook or another social page. You can use it to create a social hub and to direct your social traffic to a single place that shows all the platforms where people can find you online. You can use it to aggregate social content and to combine content from all your social media platforms into one unified presentation using social media aggregation tools like Rebel Mouse.

The .SOCIAL domain is a dedicated space on the Internet for brands, organisations and individuals to showcase their social media interactions, content and connections. A .SOCIAL domain reinforces the branding of communities whose members work together for common goals, enjoy common interests and engage one another.

Who is entitled to register a domain within domain .SOCIAL?

.SOCIAL domain names are open to all – individuals and companies. Anyone can register a web address with a .SOCIAL extension. Anyone can register, and the domain can be used for any purpose.

Are some .SOCIAL domain names restricted?

Domains for .SOCIAL are unrestricted..SOCIAL domains can include between 1 and 63 characters. You can begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number; use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z),numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these; neither begin with, nor end with a dash; not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions; and not include a space.

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