Domain Registration

Information of .SEXY domain registration

Domain registration for 1 year
Extending of the Domain with 1 year
Fee for changing the domain owner


.SEXY is generic top-level domain and is perfect for design sites, machine blogs and modeling agencies.You can intrigue your audience with a compelling and provocative domain name..Sexy is what appeals to us most. We use it describe people, fashion, cars, entertainment, and virtually every other aspect of human endeavor..SEXY provides a secure and reliable namespace for marketing “sexy” products. .SEXY is perfect for industries in the design, fashion, and beauty sectors, in which “sexy” retains a traditional meaning, or in technology, car, and marketing agencies, in which “sexy” means staying ahead of the curve and appealing to aesthetics.We can arrange your registration, transfer or change of your domain name .SEXY quickly and efficiently.

Who is entitled to register a domain within domain .SEXY?

.SEXY domain names are open to all – individuals and companies. Anyone can register a web address with a .SEXY extension. Anyone can register, and the domain can be used for any purpose.

Are there any specifications?

Domain Names must have minimum of 3 and a maximum of 63 characters. They need to begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number. You need to use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z),numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these. Neither begin with, nor end with a dash; not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions and not include a space.

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Adult contents (nudity, pornography, ...) are not allowed on the homepage.