Domain Registration

Information of .FURNITURE domain registration

Domain registration for 1 year
Extending of the Domain with 1 year
Fee for changing the domain owner


.FURNITURE is new domain for furniture maker or sell furniture, that will make thier website unique and good looking..FURNITURE helps customers identify the right store fronts to visit, and provides a great forum for sales and promotions. With .FURNITURE, furniture stores, manufacturers, outlets, and reviewers now have a more easily-identifiable and secure domain space to use when developing an online presence.

Having “.furniture” at the end of your domain name will serve as a shining beacon to shoppers and decor lovers seeking out something special to add to their collection. It will also allow you to shorten your existing website name with a more meaningful marketing identity. Sharing your personal taste in décor has become a fixture in the online social world. Furniture is what turns a house into a home. We can arrange your registration, transfer or change of your domain name .FURNITURE quickly and efficiently.

Who can apply for the registration of .FURNITURE domain names?

This domain is open for everyone – companies and individuals allover the world. .FURNITURE has no restrictions on registrations. Anyone can register, and the domain can be used for any purpose.

Are some .FURNITURE domain names restricted?

Domains for .FURNITURE are unrestricted. .FURNITURE domains can include between 3 and 63 characters. You can begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number; use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z),numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these; neither begin with, nor end with a dash; not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions; and not include a space.

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