Domain Registration

Information of .SI domain registration

Domain registration for 1 year
Extending of the Domain with 1 year
Fee for changing the domain owner


.SI is a national Internet top-level domain (ccTLD) intended for Slovenia. Administrated by the organization ARNES (Academic and Research Network of Slovenia, Academic and Research NEtwork of Slovenia). We can arrange your registration, transfer or change of your domain name .SI quickly and efficiently. .SI Domain information can be found at: .

Who is entitled to register a domain within domeyn .SI?

Companies (business entities) with registered office in Slovenia, registered in the Commercial Register of the Slovenian Agency for public and legal records and services (AJPES).
Main branches of foreign companies operating in Slovenia and are entered in the Commercial registar.Diplomaticheski and consular missions of foreign countries in Slovenia
International organizations whose member the Republic of Slovenia.

Allowed domain names within domeyn .SI

The domain name, regardless of the type of domain should be made up of the letters of the English alphabet (not differ large and small letters), digits 0 to 9 and the sign -;
the first and last character can not be -, the string must contain at least one letter;
third and fourth position in the string can not have two characters – one immediately after the other;
the length of the string can be from 3 to 65 characters; can not be made up only of numbers; string can not be the same as the already registered domain within domeyn .SI or with an existing top-level domain (com, int, org, net, edu, museum, info, biz, name, coop, mil) . < / p>

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Change of registrar:
Changing of registrar is carried out free of charge. On the order form you can select whether you want to change the registrar including a year extension or not.
Expiry date activates the so-called period of protection (quarantine), at the time domain can be renewed only by the original owner. The removal of the quarantine is paid in accordance with the valid price list.
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