Domain Registration

Information of .AT domain registration

Domain registration for 1 year
Extending of the Domain with 1 year
Fee for changing the domain owner

.AT is domain name for Austria. It is the Internet top-level domain and is very popular in Austria. Realtime registrar is an official member of NIC.AT. .AT Quickly and efficiently. .AT Is an extension for registration of domain names for Austria. Registrar in real time is an official member of NIC.AT. We can arrange your registration, transfer and or change your .AT domain name quickly and effectively. Registrar for .AT domain name can be found at

Who can register a .AT domain name?

Everyone in the world can register a .AT domain name.

Are there special requirements for registration na .AT domain name?

Minimum of 3 characters. A maximum of 63 characters. You can not begin or end with .AT domain name (“-”) sign. (“-”) May be a third or fourth position.

Are all IDN domain names in .AT domain?

Yes, supported by the following characters: ä ü ö ë à á â è é ê ì í î ï ò ó ô ù ú û ý ÿ ã å æ ç ð ñ õ ø œ š þ
Change of registrar:
Changing the registrar is always associated with a one year extension of the domain, for detailed information please contact the Axfone Customer Service.
The date of expiration activates the withdrawal period (quarantine), during this period the domain may be extended by only the original domain owner. Removing the domain from the quarantine is charged according to the current pricelist.
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